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        Contact information
      of Dronas Iron-Grey
            b. 23.02.2003

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WELCOME ! ! !            There are many information about standart schnauzer, links, photos schnauzers  from different shows, сatalog  of standart schnauzer all around the world in our web-site.  Also you can see many photos of our dog- standart schnauzer  DRONAS  IRON-GREY, her pedigree & results of shows.                 Thank you for visiting our website!
We live in a beautiful russian city ---
St. Petersburg.
Parks and range for dogs are very few. Therefore, we often travel to Pavlovsk or in the forest Karelian isthmus to enjoy mother nature.
Also we have a hobby - photography ...

First there were photoalbums
"... From the beginning of time ...."," Our friends "," Friendly family. "

The most beautiful and memorable our visits we have to handle in the form of photo.
They are linked with dogs ( "Circus! Circus! Circus !!!"," The first winter pictures "," Frisbi "),
and with the nature of our earth ( "Nature Leningrad region", "Ah, Volga, Volga !..."),
and with our friends (" Meeting of schnausers "),
and exhibitions of schnausers ( "Pictures from the exhibitions.").
Then came the idea of creating a new section  "Catalog of standart  schnausers."

At 2008  "Catalog" is more than 130 kennels, more than 30 personal sites of standart schnausers from all over the world!
The section "About breed"  held  the subsections "STANDART SCHNAUSER-about breed", "Standard of  STANDART SCHNAUSER" and "STANDART SCHNAUSER- history of breed" clearly not exhaustive of all aspects of the breed.

Then added subsections "STANDART SCHNAUSER and World Culture" and "STANDART SCHNAUSER- all around the world", where (not without the help of new friends) we made an interesting fotoalbum about breed.

Then-"Literary Corner of SCHNAUSER" and our last baby - "The creative workshop " Schnauser's paints. "


We welcome you to our site!
We has a dog at 2003.  And not only a dog, but a long-awaited friend of family!
Schnauser! First schnauser in our live!

Our site is appeared in October 2006.
Then he was devoted only to our dog GRESSY - Dronas Iron-Grey!
We wanted to share their hopes and achievements, hobbies and victories
with friends, and find new friends
loving of schnausers.


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