The dog, possessing exclusive sports qualities, all data of the sensitive sentry dog, capable to protect the owner and its house, it, undoubtedly, approaches for men. At the same time the beauty, elegance, grace, advantage, tenderness do this schnauzer by the favourite of women. Patience, attentiveness, reliability in friendship - these properties of character have helped a dog to win an arrangement of children of all age, whether it be the kid, just learned to go, or ten years' the fidget, endlessly sticking to a dog, or the teenager, sometimes unduly exacting to the four-footed friend.
Small growth, unpretentiousness in a choice squeak (he feeds always 1-2 time at day, including by fish, and also carrot and other vegetables) plus the already transferred qualities is all of does mittelshnautser a very popular home animal in age of small apartments and midget cars.
RKF 1385668
ММЕ 76/3
Sex- female
Russia, S.Petersburg
f.Dronas Mister Iks* m.Dronas Ivetta
8*CAC, 9*CW, 5*BOS, 3*BOB,
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